(Update: Comments on the poems are welcome and much appreciated.)
Many of the poems I write are often out of affection or anger, this one I am about to create is no different.
Lest there be a flower,
one that couldn't be picked.
To give my life, never.
But tell me this my lovesick.
Your hands will have none to clasp,
and your nights will be too long to last
And when you have no sight,
my eyes will be your light.
My legs for yours to walk,
my voice so you can talk.
So why give my life for a flower,
when it's already yours forever.
That was sappy. I think I should try to balance this off with one a bit more harsh. Alright, here I go again before I go on blogging.
I'll be your last breath.
My hands barred across your neck.
The faster you stop.
The sooner I pull out.
Only if I could see your face,
that'll never be covered in lace.
Only if there was a trace.
Oh, a poem about...rape. I told you I could balance it out! I'm not completely a lover. I have some fight in me! Where am I going with this...I dunno.
Okay, today, whew....lets get on with it why don't we.
Only if I could tell you about anything that happened today.
Nothing really did.
Other then I'm giddy as hell right now, I was hoping you use this mood to my advantage today. That got a lil' shot down.
There's always next time.
Hey, but at least I left you two poems.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
You've Gotta Wonder
I'm beginning to debate if break is even good for me. I'm beginning to think about pointless little things way too much now and it just crawls under my skin.
Today, it was near pointless, it could be because I woke up so late...1:30 p.m. I have to start from there to now, it's not that interesting of a day.
I told a couple people today that I'd come and visit before my departure. I was planning on an earlier visit, but I woke up kind of late, washing clothes didn't speed anything up either. So, by the time I'm about to walk out the door my dad tells me he's already fixing supper, what, I didn't see any evidence of that. So I sit around for about another hour and then head over. One of my friends happened to be asleep so I decide to call another to tell them about me being around. Blah, blah, blah. We screw around, nothing special. Then I finally come back here, doing what I do.
I think I'm an angry artist... =/
I tend to throw away things I draw or write. As far as music...eh, I always throw my picks, nothing new there.
I mentioned having people stuck your head being questionable on how pleasant it is in my last blog. The thoughts may always be wonderful but I think I need to learn communication lessons or learn how not to give a fuck. Doesn't seem too hard. What do you think?
Today, it was near pointless, it could be because I woke up so late...1:30 p.m. I have to start from there to now, it's not that interesting of a day.
I told a couple people today that I'd come and visit before my departure. I was planning on an earlier visit, but I woke up kind of late, washing clothes didn't speed anything up either. So, by the time I'm about to walk out the door my dad tells me he's already fixing supper, what, I didn't see any evidence of that. So I sit around for about another hour and then head over. One of my friends happened to be asleep so I decide to call another to tell them about me being around. Blah, blah, blah. We screw around, nothing special. Then I finally come back here, doing what I do.
I think I'm an angry artist... =/
I tend to throw away things I draw or write. As far as music...eh, I always throw my picks, nothing new there.
I mentioned having people stuck your head being questionable on how pleasant it is in my last blog. The thoughts may always be wonderful but I think I need to learn communication lessons or learn how not to give a fuck. Doesn't seem too hard. What do you think?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Catching Up
So I haven't posted a real major blog for probably two weeks now. Lamesauce, mmmhmmm. I needed a break, so I took one. So, lets update you the most recent of events.
My first day of spring break, which I'm still on throughout this week, started off bleak. My dad was having a men only party, but surprisingly they all cook good. Of course there was no cheesecake, I didn't expect them to bake though. That was that, but I had plans to go to a show in NF, I think I went about 30 minutes early, what else was I going to do. Anywho, I had lotz of fun, but I got tired quick and stopped being as active, I didn't really do too much afterwards except listen to 7 hours of music for $8, not a bad deal I thought. I didn't get home to almost 2 a.m., wouldn't have minded staying at Josh's or whomever's house for the night, driving was terrible being so tired.
Sunday, yesterday, not too much went on. I still have homework I have to send in this week, so that's a bummer. I did most of it yesterday.
Today, I don't expect much to be going on. I do feel like planning a little visit once again to my friends in NF before I head down to Tennessee for three days. Whoever may be free, today is fine, tomorrow even better. So I'll probably try to plan that today in an attempt to see their beautiful faces. =P
I'm going to try to get back into my art and music career/hobbies this week. It's much more pleasing than staring at this screen for the whole day. No offense to anybody.
Sometimes I wonder how pleasant it is having somebody stuck in your head. =/
My first day of spring break, which I'm still on throughout this week, started off bleak. My dad was having a men only party, but surprisingly they all cook good. Of course there was no cheesecake, I didn't expect them to bake though. That was that, but I had plans to go to a show in NF, I think I went about 30 minutes early, what else was I going to do. Anywho, I had lotz of fun, but I got tired quick and stopped being as active, I didn't really do too much afterwards except listen to 7 hours of music for $8, not a bad deal I thought. I didn't get home to almost 2 a.m., wouldn't have minded staying at Josh's or whomever's house for the night, driving was terrible being so tired.
Sunday, yesterday, not too much went on. I still have homework I have to send in this week, so that's a bummer. I did most of it yesterday.
Today, I don't expect much to be going on. I do feel like planning a little visit once again to my friends in NF before I head down to Tennessee for three days. Whoever may be free, today is fine, tomorrow even better. So I'll probably try to plan that today in an attempt to see their beautiful faces. =P
I'm going to try to get back into my art and music career/hobbies this week. It's much more pleasing than staring at this screen for the whole day. No offense to anybody.
Sometimes I wonder how pleasant it is having somebody stuck in your head. =/
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I might love the dark...
Though it's not really the best mixture to have when you have no electricity either. Which is exactly where I stand right now, at school, typing this, having my electronics charge up so, yep, you got it, I can communicate with you.
So lets update everybody on yesterday since only a few of my friends have heard from me last night. So yesterday was another long day for school, tuesdays and thursdays always are. It wasn't too bad though. Since I mention a good portion of my day in my last blog I'll go from the ride on home to now.
So the weather forecast was rain/freezing rain/snow for last night. Thank goodness I didn't have to drive yesterday, not to say I wasn't scared shitless still. So on the drive home we probably lost control about three times on top of monsoon type rain falling all around us, haha, it was kinda like soft ice. So we finally get to my road, by my house, and I think I see something on fire so I kinda keep my eye on it since it's right across the road. Only if I knew minutes later it was exploding with blue flames shooting from it. After about another minute...boom, the transformer on the electric lines blew up and my house goes in complete darkness. Fuckin' great.
I end up calling a few people, telling them about my situation and give me something to do. I finally run out of people to talk to, so I just tend to the fire, lay around, and listen to music on my laptop though. Three hours later though, it's battery finally goes dead. I end up falling asleep and waking up throughout the night. IT WAS COLD!
More less though for right now I'm just waiting for my stuff to charge up and I'm going to head home. Not much has happened. It's kind of why I'm typing this, I have nothing better to do than people watch, listen to music, and study. I'd rather procrasinate for a couple more hours. =]
So, I'm not sure whether I'll be online tonight. If you want to talk though call this number
Hopefully I'll have electric tonight.
So lets update everybody on yesterday since only a few of my friends have heard from me last night. So yesterday was another long day for school, tuesdays and thursdays always are. It wasn't too bad though. Since I mention a good portion of my day in my last blog I'll go from the ride on home to now.
So the weather forecast was rain/freezing rain/snow for last night. Thank goodness I didn't have to drive yesterday, not to say I wasn't scared shitless still. So on the drive home we probably lost control about three times on top of monsoon type rain falling all around us, haha, it was kinda like soft ice. So we finally get to my road, by my house, and I think I see something on fire so I kinda keep my eye on it since it's right across the road. Only if I knew minutes later it was exploding with blue flames shooting from it. After about another minute...boom, the transformer on the electric lines blew up and my house goes in complete darkness. Fuckin' great.
I end up calling a few people, telling them about my situation and give me something to do. I finally run out of people to talk to, so I just tend to the fire, lay around, and listen to music on my laptop though. Three hours later though, it's battery finally goes dead. I end up falling asleep and waking up throughout the night. IT WAS COLD!
More less though for right now I'm just waiting for my stuff to charge up and I'm going to head home. Not much has happened. It's kind of why I'm typing this, I have nothing better to do than people watch, listen to music, and study. I'd rather procrasinate for a couple more hours. =]
So, I'm not sure whether I'll be online tonight. If you want to talk though call this number
Hopefully I'll have electric tonight.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The School Site....is being, let me think of a big word...maladroit
Maladroit = Awkward
Okay, I actually went to a thesaurus for that.
More less the site is being an ass and not letting me on. Okay, I don't personally care, but hey, maybe I wanted I wanted to learn today! Heh. My teacher has this lisp, it's quite funny, it makes up for her, ehhh-ish teaching.
So, I voted for the first time today. I think I had more joy out of the touch screen than voting for Obama. I was all paranoid, going back and forth making sure it was checked since it's all electronic. I'm pretty much pumped I finally get my voice out there, my vote counted, in this life-changing and history making election. It felt great, it'll feel even better I had an impact in the very possible nomination of Barack Obama. Kinda makes me a little giddy.
Anybody living in Ohio voting is 6:30 a.m to 7:30 p.m. today. Please, go out and vote today. Vote Obama.
So far that has been my day for today, it's still early, so of course it was going to be short, so I'll mention a little bit of yesterday.
So for the first time this semester I thought I knew my math...then I was shot down probably about 30 minutes later. YES! Lets continue the trend! It's not that it's hard, but time consuming and my patience has grown thin with it.
So anyways I go home, same ol' stuff. Kara calls, inviting to come hang out with her, Carly, Nolan, and Josh (which ends up being there). Unfortunately I was swamped with homework and wasn't able to go, sooooo, eh...ghey.
So, my night ends up being mellow, little friendly political debates come up every now and again. Nothing hairy though. I end up going to sleep early last night. Midnight is early for me. It seems about every time I go to bed early I tend to dream. I like dreams.
Okay, I actually went to a thesaurus for that.
More less the site is being an ass and not letting me on. Okay, I don't personally care, but hey, maybe I wanted I wanted to learn today! Heh. My teacher has this lisp, it's quite funny, it makes up for her, ehhh-ish teaching.
So, I voted for the first time today. I think I had more joy out of the touch screen than voting for Obama. I was all paranoid, going back and forth making sure it was checked since it's all electronic. I'm pretty much pumped I finally get my voice out there, my vote counted, in this life-changing and history making election. It felt great, it'll feel even better I had an impact in the very possible nomination of Barack Obama. Kinda makes me a little giddy.
Anybody living in Ohio voting is 6:30 a.m to 7:30 p.m. today. Please, go out and vote today. Vote Obama.
So far that has been my day for today, it's still early, so of course it was going to be short, so I'll mention a little bit of yesterday.
So for the first time this semester I thought I knew my math...then I was shot down probably about 30 minutes later. YES! Lets continue the trend! It's not that it's hard, but time consuming and my patience has grown thin with it.
So anyways I go home, same ol' stuff. Kara calls, inviting to come hang out with her, Carly, Nolan, and Josh (which ends up being there). Unfortunately I was swamped with homework and wasn't able to go, sooooo, eh...ghey.
So, my night ends up being mellow, little friendly political debates come up every now and again. Nothing hairy though. I end up going to sleep early last night. Midnight is early for me. It seems about every time I go to bed early I tend to dream. I like dreams.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Why Shaving Is....uhhhhh
This could just be my more metro, fashionable side talking, but hey...whatever. People that shave, whatever you may shave, your face, legs, arms...yeah, you get the point! Continue shaving, or getting waxed, whatever you prefer. It just feels so much better and perhaps even sometimes better to look at.
There is no way I'm going to compare shaved skin to a babies butt, that's just awkward. I think of it more like velvet or silk.
Yeah, silk.
Of course part of this is coming because I kinda let my laziness get a hold of me and I got a bit scruffy. No, better yet, sand papery.

I'm usually a clean-shaven person, or at least a day of scruff, but that's usually it, not an itchy, tingling scruff.
So, the males and females alike, don't be lazy next time you go to the bathroom. Get the razor and cream/gel out and get rid of those hair follicles!
There is no way I'm going to compare shaved skin to a babies butt, that's just awkward. I think of it more like velvet or silk.
Yeah, silk.
Of course part of this is coming because I kinda let my laziness get a hold of me and I got a bit scruffy. No, better yet, sand papery.
I'm usually a clean-shaven person, or at least a day of scruff, but that's usually it, not an itchy, tingling scruff.
So, the males and females alike, don't be lazy next time you go to the bathroom. Get the razor and cream/gel out and get rid of those hair follicles!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I'm never good at summing things up unless they're already short, in which I can focus on the center-point. Which this weekend, three days of course, consisted on one that deserves most of the limelight. So, starting with friday!
I'm not even going to go on about school, nothing interesting happened and I bitch about it too much already. So, moving onto the rest of my day after education.
I get out of school at 2:00, my dentist appointment is at 3:30 and I still need to brush my teeth and get a quick bite to eat. It's nearly 3 by the time I get home and almost 3:10 before I even leave. I get to my dentist with only minutes to spare. Friggin long mile gap.
So, I had to get a couple fillings, and don't dare assume I have bad hygiene, I brush, floss, and brush my tounge twice a day. Four shots of Novocaine later, jesus christ , my whole left side of my face was numb, tounge included. I couldn't talk worth a shit. Then I get out and head over to Josh's.
We hang out, go to Pamida, get stalked, go to DQ in mid-freezing temperatures and head over to Kara's.
All three of us just chilled. I mean, I dunno, haha, there were fun moments, they're noteworthy, but I'm getting tired of typing. Well...there was a knife fight.
Saturday + Sunday:
Chilled around the neighborhood. Talked it up with with a few family members.
My night is just, eh, mellow right now.
I'm not even going to go on about school, nothing interesting happened and I bitch about it too much already. So, moving onto the rest of my day after education.
I get out of school at 2:00, my dentist appointment is at 3:30 and I still need to brush my teeth and get a quick bite to eat. It's nearly 3 by the time I get home and almost 3:10 before I even leave. I get to my dentist with only minutes to spare. Friggin long mile gap.
So, I had to get a couple fillings, and don't dare assume I have bad hygiene, I brush, floss, and brush my tounge twice a day. Four shots of Novocaine later, jesus christ , my whole left side of my face was numb, tounge included. I couldn't talk worth a shit. Then I get out and head over to Josh's.
We hang out, go to Pamida, get stalked, go to DQ in mid-freezing temperatures and head over to Kara's.
All three of us just chilled. I mean, I dunno, haha, there were fun moments, they're noteworthy, but I'm getting tired of typing. Well...there was a knife fight.
Saturday + Sunday:
Chilled around the neighborhood. Talked it up with with a few family members.
My night is just, eh, mellow right now.
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