There are people I have talked to for ages and some for only months, along with some people I haven't talked to in awhile. All these people have made an impact on my life and I care for every single person I mention. Names won't be mentioned, not because I don't care for other to know who I am talking about, but for the section I dedicate to a certain person for that person to only know I'm talking about them. This is my shot at respecting those who I consider friends, and expressing some disgust to those I don't feel so kindly for anymore.
I don't consider anybody a best friend, but you're perhaps one of the truest friends I've ever had. We've had our petty temper tantrums, but I enjoy being able to talk without worry. It was an awkward way to meet, with you getting knocked out. I hope that your dreams of the world come true for you. Believe me, though I won't stop you, if you move away, it'll be a hard time for me.
I started college with no true direction, no friends except the acquaintances from school, you were the first person I met, as I was for you. I wanted to spend more time with you, but I'm shy, now I regret not being as involved of a person as I could be in your life. It was an eventful two semesters, and I hope, I hope I had a positive impact on your life. I know you're busy anymore, as am I, and that's why we don't hang out that much, but I only hope this next semester goes by quickly and you come back to Akron.
I could care less if you read this. How I feel cannot even be expressed in this blog. I can only hope I'm not like you. I fear the more I try to abolish you the closer I come to being you. I have hardly anything to hold dear to me, good memories are hard to come by since there were so few. Nor do I know what to believe what comes out of your mouth, or with the people around you. I wish that I'm just a stronger person from the burden you caused me.
We haven't known each other too long, but it's been close to year almost. I use to be mean towards you, even though it was just a way to not be shy. I'm hardly shy to you anymore, I try to be as open as I can towards you. You've always been an extremely nice, fun, and witty person. I found you amazingly attractive, still do, and have liked you ever since I've met you. You are with somebody now though, I respect the highly. I hope we can continue to know eachother and have some amazing, and fun times.
I swear I met you through accident of knowing your brother. I've known you close to three years. We haven't talked lately as much as we do, but you're often busy with work. You're leaving for college this fall, that'll be tough to cope with, even if we don't chill all that much. It doesn't matter what it is, we can talk about it. We are constant debators with eachother. Funny you're still only one of the few that call me Jack. Use to have such a "highschool" crush on you, but as far as I know, we are close friends, close friends that seem hard to get and harder to keep.
I consider you my brother, through spirit. Recent things for you have been rough, hopefully everything situates itself out. No matter how things lay themselves out, I will still continue talking to you. You totally are in sync with yourself, who you are, and with other people, that's envious.
I haven't known you too long. So far you seem to be such a fun spirited person and free-willed person in life. Besides your parents ALREADY not liking me, we've got to chill more often, I hardly know you it seems.
I've promised you for two years we would, yeah, that's a long time. You are such a witty person that's fun to talk to, of course you swear I live a boring life. So, besides you already meeting people I've known from other states, we will meet this summer. Be it at Quizno's or not.
I thought I was finally getting back in touch with a person of my life, but maybe you're not all that different. I don't know what to type of think of your actions of recently.
If I choose to continue this, I'll just copy past it into myspace, or maybe I'll just continue it on here. I didn't mean to limit people to how much I gave them, I just tried to get what I was feeling out.
You were also one of the first people I met at Akron. I kinda regret not getting to know you better sooner. You've come to being a really exciting person that's full of life. I tended to often be weird around you, and flirtatious in weird ways , but now I'm quite open with you. I hope you come back to Akron so you don't live so far away and I can finally get to know you better and become better friends with you.